
Monday, November 28, 2011

Affair claim shakes Cain presidential bid

Affair claim shakes Cain presidential bid
It's time to give up the race! Everybody is not lying on you man.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

U.S. millionaires ask Congress: 'Raise our taxes'

U.S. millionaires ask Congress: 'Raise our taxes'

This is unprecedented in this day and age! But of course these 140 people are just a drop in the bucket, and millionaires in Congress will not agree. We've seen this country suffer while a few people got extremely rich. Some people still believe in this great nations principles.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Bill would require Pledge of Allegiance in schools

Bill would require Pledge of Allegiance in schools

This is going a bit too far. I thought Republicans ran for office in order to create jobs not to rearrange social policy. It's obvious some people have no regards for the Constitution or its interpretation by the Supreme Court of the United States. I personally don't believe anyone under the age of 18 should be forced to pledge anything, because they simply don't have the capacity to understand a pledge that's basically asking you to give or take lives for a flag.

As a student of history with extensive knowledge of WWII, I have seen what pledging allegiance to something misunderstood can do to a population.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Va GOP hits graphic of zombie Obama shot in head

Va GOP hits graphic of zombie Obama shot in head

This is the face of right wing politics in the 21st century. Disrespect the president, show your children young and old it's okay to kill the president. Show them lawlessness. Show the entire world how much disregard this country has for its leaders. These (supposed) lawmakers should be ashamed of themselves and their actions. And those in charge should resign.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Tea Party Nation tells business owners not to hire anyone

Tea Party Nation tells business owners not to hire anyone

The "Tea Party" and rhetoric like this is exactly what President Obama needs to be reelected. If those who considers themselves Republicans had better start to distance themselves from these lunatics as soon as possible. These people are not concerned with the health of this great nation, they are only concerned with making President Obama a one term president. This is the ugliest thing I've read in a long time.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Rep. Hinkle won't comment on e-mails

Rep. Hinkle won't comment on e-mails

Here we go again. One of our moral crusaders caught in a morally compromising position. This story has a bit of a twist though. Instead of having an affair with a woman, this guy was found to be looking for young boys on Craig's list. In a scandal that would shake any parties confidence Governor Daniels refuses to ask for Hinkle's resignation.

This guy voted to amend Indiana's Constitution, so that marriage would be defined as one man and one woman. I know there are some that will say "Well he didn't intend to marry this kid, but the fact remains that he's a hypocrite who believes he's above his own laws.

Now we all know politicians from both camps who has had their fair share of scandals, but when every you vote against something such as this, but thinks your political status exempts you, you should be forced to resign. How about an amendment that says if you're caught in a morally corrupt position you have to resign, be it money or sex scandals. It seems as if these people skipped ethics class.

Racism, Violence and the Irony of Stereotypes

Racism, Violence and the Irony of Stereotypes
This is a great essay on some racist issues that has been facing our country from blacks as well as whites. Tim Wise hits the nail on the head with this essay... Great job